Imponerande Tempel, gröna risfält, glada (och arga)apor, kaffe- och teprovning, vattenfall, varma källor, wow-sandstränder, rockor, gigantiska sköldpaddor, regndans, magiska solnedgångar, iskall Bintang, Nasi Goreng (till frukost-lunch-middag), poolparty, galna klippor och roadtrips med Eddie (vår utmärka chaufför och guide). 
Gili Trawangan
Gili Air


Hotelltips: Lili´s Guesthouse i Ubud, BelAir på Gili Air och Yellow Coconut på Trawangan.

Bali är en fantastisk ö på väldigt många sätt. Så länge som man håller sig borta från dom värst turistiga platserna (men det gäller ju mer eller mindre alla resmål). En stark rekommendation är att inte (under några omständigheter) befinna sig i Kuta dagarna innan nyår. Helt galet. Höll på att få panikångestattacker flera gånger per dag. Dessutom blev våra vänner rånade och en kille vi hittade på gatan alkoholförgiftad. Men förutom Kuta så har jag bara bra minnen med mig från den gröna ön. Mina favoritställen var definitivt Seminyak och Gili-öarna Air- och Trawangan. Sanur och Ubud var också fint att få uppleva – Sanur med sitt lugn och Ubud med alla apor och risfält samt båtutflykten från Sanur till Lembongan där vi fick snorkla med rockor!

SEMINYAK 5 days of partying
Landade ett par timmar efter midnatt, checkade in på mitt hotell Seminyak Paradiso vid 3-tiden på morgonen. Somnade nästan direkt och vaknade till ett varm och soligt Bali och Shari! Min resepolare från New York som jag träffade i Indien för fyra år sedan. Sedan dess har vi träffats i Marocko, New York och Mexico. Och nu reunion på Bali! // Christmas! Poolparty! Poolhäng med två störtsköna sydafrikaner. Broccoli & Ussher Musik & öl. Seminyak night out, live music och springbocks på Santa Fe och salsa…nånstans. All in! // Lazy hangover day. Strosande på pub gatan. Gick ner till stranden, fick känna på det första regnet (som varade i typ 5 min) tog skydd i en av strandrestaurangerna och beställde in kokos-ceviche. Gott! Strandpromenad till templet petitinga vi sopptippsstranden, skräp från havet, skärp er folk! Solnedgång. Fisk, chili och vitlöksjulmiddag. Back at the crime scene från gårdagen, Santa Fe, livemusik och öl. // Roadtrip med Eddie the driver till mitten av ön och dom heliga sjöarna. Kaffe & teprovning i Baturiti. Det kända (dyra) bajskaffet från Lowaki-djuret. Vågade inte testa. Men fick höra storyn om hur dom kom på det. Kaffe var förbjudet så man letade upp djur som hade ätit kaffebönor och bajsat ut dom. Under roadtripen besökte vi det kända templet i sjön, Pura ulun danu bratan, unesco-skyddade risplantage, hot springs, the sea front temple: Tanah Lot, Canggu drive through på smala smala smala vägar. Kvällen spenderades på La plancha tapas beach bar, Gay baren buttoms up och Santa Fe.// Beachday, Seminyak beach. La Plancha sunset. Frankensteins. 5-minuters skyfall.KUTA 4 days became 3
Packade ihop våra prylar och flyttade in i ett homestay, Padok Satwa, close to poppies 2 in Kuta. Australiensarnas Kos. Galet. Pubcrawl, apache livemusik, hängde med ett gäng (ganska irriterande) australiensare, tequilashots & bintang , hängde med till en nattklubb sen rymde vi från dom till en mindre bar där shari fick en 1,5 timmes massage. Blev inbjudna till en tattooshop typ 2 på natten (gjorde ingen, ibland tänker jag på konsekvenserna – ibland). Blev hemskjussade på en vespa, 3 on 1. När vi kom hem hade mina vänner från sverige landat och checkat in. // 5 hours car ride, 2 hours on the beach. CRAZY traffic! Dreamland beach. Beautiful! På kvällen mötte vi upp våra sydafrikanska vänner och drack en hel massa skumma saker. Flaming Bikini, Jungle Juice och Springbocks. På väg hem hittade vi en medvetslös kille på gatan, folk va idioter och hellre fotade honom än ringde ambulans, vi stannade tills vi såg att att fick hjälp. Jävla puckon. // Woke up by noon. A little bit chocked after last night. Found out the guy was ok, probably alcohol poisoning. Joined the south africans at there swimming pool for som lazy hangout. Meet a cool swedish girl and then we all went to Cuba for a great laught and dinner. We also decided to run away from this crazy hysterical place one day a head of our plans – and go to paradise islands for new years! Next stop Gili T & Gili Air!

GILI TRAWANGAN 4 days of New Years celebration!
New Year! Shuttle bus for 2 hours and ferry for another 2. Gili Trawangan, best place so far, loving it. No cars. No vespas. Only horses and bikes. Checked in to our cosy home stay, the Yellow Coconut, got two bungalows. Cheap and great! Staying here for two nights then off to a more luxury one. Went out shopping for champagne, getting ready for the new years party, had dinner at the famous Scallywag and then a lot of beers and Extra Joss shots with new friends from Canada. Celebrated 12 o’clock at the beach with fireworks and cheers, went nightclubbing until they closed. Ended the night with early morning pizza at our bungalow. Happy new 2017! // A little bit tired from last night – surprise haha. Noodles for breakfast, love the indonesian dish Nasi Goreng, order it at least once every day. And then beaching at the west of the island, the snorkeling spot. A GIANT sea turtle came visit us – so happy I almost cried. Great start of the new year. Later we watch the amazing sunset sky and had drinks (sparkling Bloody Mary, interesting taste) at Paradise Sunset and barracuda insonesia-style-dinner (so tasty!). Early night, after a few beers we went to bed. Ps. Its hard to sleep when the room is like an hot sauna. Almost died. // Time for bungalow check-out and luxury resort check-in. Turns out Good Karma is my new favourite place in the world. Luxury bungalows,  kittens running around, private pool and free beer on arrival (thanks Broco & Ian for sending us here!) And we got to do our first rain dance on #theraindancetrip. Happy happy. All day beer-drinking and then party night out and late night pool party (by myself).// Spent most of the day playing around in the pool. Came down with something later that evening, probably the affect of hangover, forgot to drink water, the 7 km walk around the island and my friends cold. Drank 1,5 liter of water in an hour and spent the whole night running to the toilet.

GILI AIR 4 days of lazyness
Took the fast boat to another one of the Gili Islands – Gili Air. Checked into a good looking bungalow village in the middle of the island named Goodtimes, all colored in turqouise and orange, my favourite colors. Later it turned out that the AC didn’t do the job on the 2 floor, where I was sleeping – and we got attacked by a monster bug (and there was something biting my legs during the night) so the next day me and one of the girls booked a luxury room by the ocean – hey we’re on vacation! But before all that we had a great day by the pool and I had the best kebab for dinner – skewers and baked potato with garlic butter. Call it whatever. // Bring us some luxury! Bel Air Resort did for sure. Great room. Great pool. Great people. And the shower – THE BEST. Spent some time in the pool, talking to the resort pet – Iaguana Waldo and drinking ice cold beer. Went snorkeling in the ocean looking for turtles (no luck) and having a spicy snack at Legend Raggae Bar, sunset drinks at fancy Casa Mio and movie night with popcorn at Bel Air, A girl on a train. // Started the day with a proper english breakfast combined with a brain booster juice. Tasty! Didn’t leave the resort for 24 hours. Great place. Spending the day by the pool, went on a little snorkeling adventure – got surrounded by 1000 small fishes. Later that evening they played live music in the restaurant, a 70’s inspired rock band from Lombok – The Joker. Great fun, even thou it turned ut the guys thought they we’re rock stars for real and tryed to hit on us. We kind of told them to fuck off. But they did do a fantastic version of Free Bird. One of my all time favourite song.

UBUD 3 days in the jungle
After a week of island paradise life at Gili Trawangan & Gili Air we’re heading back to Bali. Time to explore the monkey forest in Ubud! After 6 hours of boat and bus we’re finally arrived in Ubud – one of my travel goals for like…forever. Happy! And the place we booked, amazing, Lili House – a secret paradise 100 meter away from the busy street. After sunset we went out for dinner, didn’t eat anything since early morning. Hungry hippos! Too bad we made the worst choice of restaurant, a place called Indochine, the dumplings was tasty – but the rest, shit. I’ve got a bowl of bones and fat, the others something that looked as leftovers and over cooked duck, and one of us didn’t get food at all – the kitchen went out of rice (how is that even possible?!?). Paid for those meals that you actually could call food – and then went to Taco Casa instead. Mmmm tacos! // Went to the famous Monkey forest, got monkey attacked. Found the Gelato Secret – salty butter caramel icecream! Went crazy shopping at giant Ubud market, finally had the traditional dish babi guling – ginger stuffed grilled pig. Hung out at The onion collective for drinks, had dinner at the Laughing Buddha, live music & great food. Ended the evening with lightning, thunder and bats. // Pool day. Taco-lunch. Heavy rain, road went into river, Cat café with 16 fluffy cuties. Drinks & dogs at the onion collective. // Morning yoga at the balcony, quick visit to the yoga barn for som shopping, took a relaxing foam bath and then off to easy-breezy Sanur on the east coast.

SANUR & LEMBONGAN 3 days by the east coast
Checked in at our little palace called Nesa Sanur. Beach-lunch. Asian-dinner. // Snorkeling tour. Lembongan island, manta rays, manta point, nusa penida, coral reef, mangrove forest. // Brunch at The Owl, ”organic” hipster cafe i Sanur, instagramvänliga bilder, gott som tusan. Beach walk. Poolhäng. Taxi to Seminyak.

SEMINYAK 5 last days of sunsets, shopping och beaching
From east coast to west coast. It was time to head back to my first stop – Seminyak for a few days of sun & fun. Checked in to newly built Signature hotel, so new the taxi drivers couldn’t find it. Nice place with the perfect pool, and we got upgraded to the suit, a gigantic bed for three. Back to our favourite spot – La plancha for sunset & tasty tapas! // Friday 13:e – happy day! Crazy shopping, beach day, back to seminyak paradiso (the place I stayed in when I arrived a month ago), the best mie goreng in Bali, it’s a fact! Said hello to Eddie the driver, booked a trip to uluwatu the next day. One of the girls went home to Sweden. Now we where only two. // Uluwatu temple = Ulu-head watu-stone. Coffe & tea tasting. Baby luwaks. Padang-padang high tide, pandawa beach – the light. Fancy pancy famoues potato head beach club, the dinner ate all our money, a million rupies (700 spänn) so we had to take a taxi back to the hotel and reload our wallets. Listened to a dj from Amsterdam Young Marco and drank small, way too expensive beer until closing time. // The other girl went to India. Now It´s only me left. Breakfast for champions: nasi goreng, grilled corn and coke. Real deal bag shopping, now a proud owner of a fake moschino and a fake dior. Relaxing day by the pool. // Depature day. Indonesian breakfast, a few hours by the pool, some last minute shopping, then off to the airport. Bali – Jakarta – Istanbul – Gothenburg (27 hours in total). Bye bye beautiful amazing Indonesia and Bali. I’ll be back soo to visit the komodo dragons!

Köp inte Lowakskaffet – de små kattbjörnarna bor i pyttesmå burar och är bara till för att turister ska få sitt fancy bajs-kaffe. Sjukt ovärt! Stöd det inte.Vet att många återförsäljare i Sverige har strykt det från sitt sortiment.
Nästa gång jag åker till Indonesien vill jag besöka drakarna – varanerna på ön Komodo.

WORLD BY TINA drivs av Tina Wetterskog. Tina är utbildad resekonsult och driver reseportalen med inspiration till resor och äventyr när och fjärran. Fokusområden: Tåg! Konst! Hållbarhet!


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